by Wolfgang

Looking through photos, experimenting, composing, arranging, re-arranging and basically playing around is great fun.

Whenever I start a new postersize collage, I don’t have a clear final outcome in mind until its done. I like just going with the flow.

Such arrangements may not do justice to images that deserve to stand alone. But on the other hand, you may enhance a certain feel or atmosphere that a stand-alone pic may not be able to convey to the same degree.

The above pics were taken in Sabine’s parents garden in the north of Germany. For more of those blooming beauties, please visit here

Some of Sabine’s favorite motives are bees, butterfliesand dragon flys where stunning beauty ofthen lies in detail

For more of here macros, check out her album “The beauty lies in the detail”

I am particularly taken by monumental skies. Lightning, storm clouds, moody skies and even the odd sunset do it to me.

Thunderstorm collage, collection of lightning photos

You can view the originals of theses shots here .

I also enjoy cityscapes as against landscapes

These were taken in Beirut Melbourne and Perth
Again Beirut, Melbourne and Perth

However nothing beats being surrounded by poppies, sunflowers and lavender “en Provence”

The colour of summer
Colours and atmosphere are unique. If only one could also capture the scent of these delicate blossoms